That's all well and good, but if you want that to change, I'm afraid you're gonna have to give a lot more information about what exactly is going wrong, such as what behavior the game/application is exhibiting.
Is it giving an error message? (And if so, tell us what it says.) Is it simply showing a black screen on launch? If you're able to get to the main menu, what steps are you taking that causes it to crash? Etc etc... That kind of stuff.
I tested the game on a laptop with only an i5-6200U processor without an additional video chip. The game was running at 20 FPS on the minimum settings, but it launched without any problems.
I think this game can really benefit from full controller support, if not, I can always use the steam deck to make it play how I want it to! I haven't played through the whole thing yet, but from what I am seeing... this is a pretty freak'n awesome game so far. If you can somehow make this into a 5-7 hour game experience or more, you got my money the day you decide to fully release the game on steam or here! ;3
When is the next update though,it end a bit quick and i think there is a bug as i couldnt find any video in video storage about act 2 even when ive saved it, any solution
If you look at the Info section in the main menu of the game, you will be able to see the features that are not yet available in Act 2. One of these features is the gallery cutscenes.
Hello. Since I'm developing the game myself, it's hard to plan the dates of updates. I hope to make updates at least once a month, but this is more of a wish than a plan.
Great update! A few things that I would add/change:
1: Right now the loss animations are tied to location. I think instead on your first loss, you get the tentacle scene; then, if you are still infected when you lose again, you get the spreader scene (or whatever would go there instead). Just a bit of logical consistency.
2: Related to above, if you see the spreader scene, there should be a chance that a spreader respawns somewhere in the area. Chance could be based on difficulty, but this could mess up game balance on harder difficulties.
3: When you first meet Clarissa, if you're infected, you die. Makes sense. If you meet Clarissa, then go get infected, then talk to her to get tested, nothing happens. Maybe there should be a special Bad End where you infect her, then there's a end screen of both of you as Burgeons? Or she could shoot you as well, that also works.
10/10 update overall though. Keep up the good work!
Just loaded my previous save before the update, and I cant seem to progress unless im just blind. The doors forward require access level 2, yet I only have level 1
Still early on in the game (first save point) but wanted to say this is well done. While it's a WIP the way the movement and story is told via the environment and navigating the levels isn't just a straight line along with the audio it's a really good mix of environmental horror with some erotic elements added in. Can't wait to see where this goes and I hope you don't stop development.
Sorry, but I wasn't prepared for someone playing the game on a touchpad. In the future, it will be possible to change the control keys. But I would recommend using a mouse to play the game, as it will be much more comfortable to shoot at enemies.
The flashlight feel a little bit too weak at times. Also I don't know if it just me, but I got little motion sickness from the game. Maybe due to the lighting
hey i just played the game but got stuck. after you meet the scientist and have the sesbian lex and you go back down the elevator the game refused to load the floor for me so thats where my demo stopped lol. also maybe some tentacles on the wall/floor/ceiling that grab you for fun could be nice. other than that fun game
I hope it will be in the next update. But other than that, I'm liking the game so far and looking forward to see its completion. Keep up the good work!
I am finding that the game is a bit too dark, even with flashlight. You could use an age old trick of adding mild illumination on the immediate surroundings around the character which at very least help to navigate the environment a little better.
About your game parasite inside , its great but I suggest some few changes to it
1 I think a character customization must be needed before the start of the game so the player can customize Oni Lim with or without cybernetic tatoos on her skin and also include more hairstyles including the unbraided one.
2 What if Oni will be naked on stasis without a stasis suit so that she will be naked when she wakes up and then picks up a suit
3 And speaking of naked, what if Nudity will be used as the main premise of the game , where you include the option whether the premise of the game plays out without clothes so Oni and the rest of the character will walk around naked without clothing and is part of alternate version of the main premise
1. I don't plan to add detailed customization of Oni before the game starts, as this is a story-oriented game. Another important factor is that I'm doing everything for the game myself and I don't have much experience in game development. Therefore, I have to take into account my capabilities and the time I will spend on adding new things to the game. I don't want the game development to go on forever.
New hairstyles (as well as costumes) will be added to the game gradually in future updates.
2. and 3. Unfortunately, I can't justify this with the game's plot. You can undress the main character in the first minute of the game.:-)
I see, and I understand, that Parasite Inside is your personal passion project which is your first time in solo game making, and you are currently busy with personal life. Though it's a shame you won't have time to add new things including nudity in the story mode of the game , I will explain more in f95zone
are there any pointers that would help this work on Linux? i tried firing the game up and it was running at a few seconds per frame
edit for others with the same question, run it with proton. works great. theres some instructions further down in the replies if needed. theyre probably not perfect but i expect theyll get you where you need to get.
Unfortunately, I can't help you with that. This build was not developed or tested on operating systems other than Windows. You can try to run the game using Wine, but I think you've already tried that.
I deleted my previous reply because i figured the problem out. you need to use Proton, i added the game through steam (Library, add game, add non game to steam, browse, then select the .exe file for the game) and then ran the game through steam. I had to tell it to run the game on proton in the management menu. runs smooth like butter now so far. just started and found the bit in kindheart's quarters. havent done anything else yet.
theres a few UI nitpicks and the ponytail hairstyle goes a little crazy in scenes. also looks like shes bungeeing on an invisible noose or something or shes done some insane calisthenics but the sound is really good and the game visuals are great.
quite a nice game youve got here my guy. looking forward to seeing new versions or new games.
About the ponytail hairstyle, yes, there is a problem with the hairstyle physics when there is a drop in FPS. I will try to fix it in the next versions of the game.
Just played this and enjoyed it, even if it is an extremely short demo. I really, really hope the final product has a way to rewatch sex scenes, as I kinda found the first sex scene to be hot. lol.
The AI voice could use some work, unless your intention really is for her to sound like a text to speech program, but it's good enough for such a game in these early stages.
One thing I couldn't stand, however, were the jumping controls. They feel pretty bad, and with her being unable to grip ledges and pull herself up, jumping even tiny gaps was a frustrating experience.
All the points you mentioned have already been fixed in version 0.1.2. There are also many other improvements and fixes in the new update.
At the moment, the 0.1.2 update is available only for Patreon and SubscribeStar subscribers, but at the end of the month it will be available for everyone for free.
uhh kinda lost on where to pick up the last 2 pics and idk whats up with the password HUGE80085 idk i think its intended as a joke
upcoming bullets are only suggestions
didnt know about the pin for the dildo till second playthrough lol probably on me bc i missed it but i suggest putting know pins on top of the keypad display
numbering the pics and the grey backgrounds so we know what and where they are through guides or community the random numbers might work but confusing and im probably only gonna learn the names of the really good pics lmao
adding voice lines or sounds while she is walking around so it isnt just ambient noise lol bc of the slow pacing
scene selection thats probably what the video player is for but idk you might be using that for something else but anyways if we are allowed to review the sex over again making us change the camera angle would be nice
can we take the dildo and use it through out the playthough maybe adding an inventory
adding sexual relief button or area lmao
i like the idea of the recharging pistol from another comment but honestly id rather have you add a recharging tazer gun for the puzzles and keeping the gun ammo separate so we have to be more conservative with our resources but lmao id probably not shoot my way out and just sex through the problem with this style of game lmao
you can add a hacking puzzles and either she already knows how to hack (building her character backstory) or learn how through the computer in dildo room
flashlight isnt really a flashlight since you cant direct it anywhere its pretty much just ambient light that you turn on to look at the screen probably make it directional and just have her raise her arm to her breast to point or just raise the arm in the direction you want to use the flash light she really doesnt need both hands for the gun or have her pick up a better flashlight later on that you can just stick on her breast or make it into a headlamp idk
i hope you add more content for the woman in the wall if you know what i mean
since she has a pocket computer it would make sense for a map feature instead of putting the map on the wall but idk
it would be helpful if the tab button where you see her vitals and access lvl is a toggle instead of a hold and we can interact with said menu like an inventory or map through it
are you going to add 3d printers since its in the future and just have us go searching for usb stick or files through the computers scattered around could be used for ammo or other bits and bobs you add into the game
idk if your gonna add plats and plats monsters for the oxygen area or supply idk the parasites might be able to disrupt or merge with said plants
idk if its too much to ask for windows or to be able to view space in one of the rooms idk its kinda bland design wise since its alot of white walls and dark areas might as well add plant decorations
are you going to add a dodge mechanic might make traversing the vents faster
you should make the some of the sex scenes parts loop and have us press a button to advance to next part of the scene so we can have more time with the it and maybe a redo button so we can watch the whole scene from start again but dont have to wait for the first loop
food for thought
since its a parasite will it just make her more lustful or will it improve her physically will it give you powers or just make her pregnant and when you gives birth we have more parasites to deal with
how come the other 2 guys didnt find the body and how come its not a skeleton, rotted, eaten away, taken over or maybe covered in the parasite
i feel like the 2 guys that knocked us out would have tied the hands together lol would be interesting to see us navigate through with our hands tied behind our back till we find a knife or sharp object
are there going to be infested animals that the 2 guys missed
would be interesting to see if we just stayed at the wall with the woman stuck in it long enough that the wall either reacted to us for some more PLOT or we could play with the woman more
how come the weird tentacles didnt grab us to scare us lmao you missed a jump scare there might want to add a instant grab scene where we have to mash a button or buttons which i would have probably ignored to see what would happen
lol would be funny to see one of the crew members (preferably male lmao should give us a laugh) near our room be outfitted with bondage equipment it would be totally useless for us since we have to a partner tie us on it but i feel like we shouldnt be able to wake up our crew since its a colony ship traveling couple hundreds or thousands of years... lol nvm you could just have it automated through a program that would lock her in it for a couple hrs but the pwr would still be somewhat down prompting her to be unable to use it till we get all the power running lmao could be used to get rid of the parasite or give birth to the parasite unless you were gonna do that in the medical bay on one of the tables that would strap her down
will the parasite only infect her womb or her ass and boobs as well then legs and arms then it goes for her ears and brain till she becomes a wall too lmao idk parasite armor would be cool make me think of "The Agnietta" and "latex dungeon" where she could have parasites that would take the form of bondage toys and ropes buttplugs and other randoms stuff lol i know the title is parasite inside but would be cool to see if she can study the parasite a bit to weaponize it or the parasite just plays with her body
will there only be one type of parasite or will there be a sentient parasite that tries to take over our body slowly through different types of parasites
will you make a gameover scene where she is fully taken over or dead or will you make its still playable but the parasite heavily makes choices and decisions for her till we get it in control again or maybe a birthing scene and then she is reinfected again
lol that was alot you dont have to follow what i put down in the comment its just a suggestion and for an hour of game play this is still pretty good visually its still a slow pace but its still your game do what you want with it if you have a discord channels we can all gather too lmao i dont really use F95 that much but i suggest putting it down on this page, i had trouble finding the game through so i came here through F95 i suggest making a website and put a road map on what you want to work on maybe a discord too but you could always pout it on patreon doesnt matter but discord channel is a must have you could always ask for help and im pretty sure people will reach out to play more of your game
love the game by the way and would hope to see more updates in the future
Thank you for your feedback and suggestions for the game. I would love to add a lot of mechanics and different things to the game, but I only have two hands and a day job. So I'm very careful about adding new things that I didn't plan to add, so that the game development doesn't take forever. New mechanics or game elements will be added only by voting on Patreon or SubscribeStar. But even with this, I will rely on the time spent and my experience of developing a game on Unreal Engine, which is only six months.
I don't advise you to expect a miracle from me. But if you like the first act of the game, I think you'll like future updates as well, so please trust my vision of the game.
The discord server will be created later, when I have more free time. And some of the things you wrote about are already ready in the dev-build and will be included in the next update.
Thank you one more time for your feedback, it was interesting to read.
im not expecting miracles and i know that updates will take awhile, but didnt know you worked on this game alone, which is impressive in itself and would rather see your version of the game instead... lol or i would have tried to make one which isnt in my skill set at all
im just making suggestions and ideas and seeing what sticks and what falls in the upcoming updates to the game
and lmao i just got so absorbed by the game that i wanted to play more that i went on a rant
and thank you for making the game i love it so far and hope you continue working on this till we land the spaceship on a planet and get bug raped lmao
I don't plan to abandon or artificially delay the development of the game, as is often the case in this genre. =)
As for bugs, this is a sensitive topic for me and I try to fix them all during the development process. I don't always manage to find all the bugs, but I hope the community of the Discord server I'll create later will help me with this.
Ok I completed the game now, the only feedback is the same as everyone, slow pacing and adult cutscenes should have a speed up button or something. Another thing is walking on vents can be too slow and when I notice I forgot to go back to the room when you unlock the other clothes I rather quit and start from the save file than go back all the way the vents again.
this was quite fun i must say all tho also quite confusing but hey you got me thinking outside the box (for that one door atleast) id say this game has a chance at being big someday as the concept is honestly quite nice
Pacing of sex cutscenes feels a bit slow to my tastes, with little to do except wait or skip the entire thing. Could perhaps have a fast-forward button, a skip-ahead, or perhaps loops that keep going until advanced? Might change presentation though.
Limited ammo, with shots needed for puzzles, means it seems possible to softlock yourself by emptying the mag. Perhaps the gun should auto-recharge slowly up to 5 shots or so?
Lighting in air vents makes it rather difficult to see side passages, outside relying on flashlight reflections. Maybe some light sources, or a self-lit floor decoration, might help indicate them more easily.
Pressing ctrl+tab to open status window while crouching plays the status window SFX but doesn't seem to show anything visible.
It's possible to backtrack to the "sex" room with the gun and aim/shoot through the window, to no effect. Perhaps the sleeper model should despawn, or perhaps better some visual effect indicating the shot being absorbed by the glass window.
Would like to piggyback on this comment that I agree on the first two points as I had the same thought on them. Pacing was really slow on sex scene and the ammo did seem to present possible softlock issues.
"If we are talking about a room with a dead guard. There's a tablet on the table that tells you where to find the pin code (six digits). Namely, the collector's number on the Vectra card, which you will find next to the guard. You can find it in the collections on the terminal in the same room."(by Parasite inside 2024)
in spanish too... XD
Si estamos hablando de una habitación con un guardia muerto. Hay una tableta sobre la mesa que te dice dónde encontrar el código PIN (seis dígitos). Es decir, el número de coleccionista de la tarjeta Vectra, que encontrarás junto al guardia.
Puedes encontrarlo en las colecciones de la terminal en la misma sala.
I'm just past that and the girl in the wall. Am I missing something? I have the forklift key, went and got the other pic and now I'm lost. Other than that, it seems to be coming along nicely
Just finished the demo and I must say it's very well done. I enjoyed it greatly and overall is right up my alley. Can't wait to see what you have in store. Only question I have is do you think you will add controller support for it? I noticed that the you could move with controller and rotate the camera but the buttons aren't mapped. It's not a big thing but would make it much easier on my fingers lol Otherwise will be waiting for the next update!
Look at the collectable card in the same room. That will help you progress. If you ever get stuck trust me the path is very linear as in as you open more room you rarely backtrack (mostly I've found backtracking lets you do some more of the cards), you just have to look very closely in every room. I was very blind lol.
not gonna lie when the note mentioned Vectra i straight up assumed that was the name of his pistol so i didnt even bother thinking the card meant anything
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The game is not running on my pc.
That's all well and good, but if you want that to change, I'm afraid you're gonna have to give a lot more information about what exactly is going wrong, such as what behavior the game/application is exhibiting.
Is it giving an error message? (And if so, tell us what it says.) Is it simply showing a black screen on launch? If you're able to get to the main menu, what steps are you taking that causes it to crash? Etc etc... That kind of stuff.
It doesn't even launch, forget about any error or black screen bro.
You have provided too little information for me to help you with this. Please visit my Discord to get help with this issue.
Is it because of specs, cause my specs are...not so good. Low end pc
I tested the game on a laptop with only an i5-6200U processor without an additional video chip. The game was running at 20 FPS on the minimum settings, but it launched without any problems.
I don't know but it doesn't launch. Do I need to install something else, like unreal engine?
I think this game can really benefit from full controller support, if not, I can always use the steam deck to make it play how I want it to! I haven't played through the whole thing yet, but from what I am seeing... this is a pretty freak'n awesome game so far. If you can somehow make this into a 5-7 hour game experience or more, you got my money the day you decide to fully release the game on steam or here! ;3
When is the next update though,it end a bit quick and i think there is a bug as i couldnt find any video in video storage about act 2 even when ive saved it, any solution
someone reply please
If you look at the Info section in the main menu of the game, you will be able to see the features that are not yet available in Act 2. One of these features is the gallery cutscenes.
thanks,and would it be available in next update?
Yes, the second act will be fully completed in the 0.2.1 update.
there is a gamplay? im stuck on the lab, looking for the repair kit
Got to go back down the elevator. It will be the only door on the floor needing access 3
Thanks. all done, now to wait until next update.
Hello, I was wondering about the frequency of updates?
Hello. Since I'm developing the game myself, it's hard to plan the dates of updates. I hope to make updates at least once a month, but this is more of a wish than a plan.
Alrighty thank you for replying
i cannot find how to get to the elevator for laboratories from the workshop bay...pls help
Great update! A few things that I would add/change:
1: Right now the loss animations are tied to location. I think instead on your first loss, you get the tentacle scene; then, if you are still infected when you lose again, you get the spreader scene (or whatever would go there instead). Just a bit of logical consistency.
2: Related to above, if you see the spreader scene, there should be a chance that a spreader respawns somewhere in the area. Chance could be based on difficulty, but this could mess up game balance on harder difficulties.
3: When you first meet Clarissa, if you're infected, you die. Makes sense. If you meet Clarissa, then go get infected, then talk to her to get tested, nothing happens. Maybe there should be a special Bad End where you infect her, then there's a end screen of both of you as Burgeons? Or she could shoot you as well, that also works.
10/10 update overall though. Keep up the good work!
I don't understand where to go after leaving the room with the dead guard and the gun.
12:00 if you want to get a new outfit.
16:30 if you want to progress game
Thanks man I was stuck at this part too
Just loaded my previous save before the update, and I cant seem to progress unless im just blind. The doors forward require access level 2, yet I only have level 1
Nevermind i am blind, I forgot about the shootable buttons
Still early on in the game (first save point) but wanted to say this is well done. While it's a WIP the way the movement and story is told via the environment and navigating the levels isn't just a straight line along with the audio it's a really good mix of environmental horror with some erotic elements added in. Can't wait to see where this goes and I hope you don't stop development.
you can't play it on laptop
I tested the game on my laptop with Intel Core i5-5200U, GeForce 940M, 8GB RAM and on low graphics settings the game had stable 40-50 FPS in 1080p.
I’m talking about using a mouse pad you can’t fire the gun
Sorry, but I wasn't prepared for someone playing the game on a touchpad. In the future, it will be possible to change the control keys. But I would recommend using a mouse to play the game, as it will be much more comfortable to shoot at enemies.
what does this do?
This is the main system for getting damage from spore clouds.
The flashlight feel a little bit too weak at times. Also I don't know if it just me, but I got little motion sickness from the game. Maybe due to the lighting
Try turning off motion blur in the graphics settings.
hey i just played the game but got stuck. after you meet the scientist and have the sesbian lex and you go back down the elevator the game refused to load the floor for me so thats where my demo stopped lol. also maybe some tentacles on the wall/floor/ceiling that grab you for fun could be nice. other than that fun game
The best way to find help with the game is to ask on the Discord server, where you can also report a bug.
No it's fine I replayed and just had to wait a few seconds for the game to load in. I was just impatient and wasn't thinking.
Im starting to wonder if we need to start over with the new update
so maybe i'm blind, but after you're knocked out, where do you find another C scanner? I've checked everywhere I can think too
Find the Multitool and go to the other end of the service corridor. In the save room you will find another C-Scanner.
Could you add a toggle option for the sprint? I'm not really keen on holding the shift button every time I want to run.
In the future, I plan to add the option to customize the controls.
I hope it will be in the next update. But other than that, I'm liking the game so far and looking forward to see its completion. Keep up the good work!
Thank you for your feedback. I'm doing my best.
I am finding that the game is a bit too dark, even with flashlight. You could use an age old trick of adding mild illumination on the immediate surroundings around the character which at very least help to navigate the environment a little better.
In the 0.1.2 update, there is a brightness setting in the pause menu. Also, in the next update, a flashlight (classic) will be added to the weapon.
About your game parasite inside , its great but I suggest some few changes to it
1 I think a character customization must be needed before the start of the game so the player can customize Oni Lim with or without cybernetic tatoos on her skin and also include more hairstyles including the unbraided one.
2 What if Oni will be naked on stasis without a stasis suit so that she will be naked when she wakes up and then picks up a suit
3 And speaking of naked, what if Nudity will be used as the main premise of the game , where you include the option whether the premise of the game plays out without clothes so Oni and the rest of the character will walk around naked without clothing and is part of alternate version of the main premise
Will you add those three suggestions in the game?
Hi, thank you for your suggestions for the game.
1. I don't plan to add detailed customization of Oni before the game starts, as this is a story-oriented game. Another important factor is that I'm doing everything for the game myself and I don't have much experience in game development. Therefore, I have to take into account my capabilities and the time I will spend on adding new things to the game. I don't want the game development to go on forever.
New hairstyles (as well as costumes) will be added to the game gradually in future updates.
2. and 3. Unfortunately, I can't justify this with the game's plot. You can undress the main character in the first minute of the game.:-)
I see, and I understand, that Parasite Inside is your personal passion project which is your first time in solo game making, and you are currently busy with personal life. Though it's a shame you won't have time to add new things including nudity in the story mode of the game , I will explain more in f95zone
are there any pointers that would help this work on Linux? i tried firing the game up and it was running at a few seconds per frame
edit for others with the same question, run it with proton. works great. theres some instructions further down in the replies if needed. theyre probably not perfect but i expect theyll get you where you need to get.
Unfortunately, I can't help you with that. This build was not developed or tested on operating systems other than Windows. You can try to run the game using Wine, but I think you've already tried that.
I deleted my previous reply because i figured the problem out. you need to use Proton, i added the game through steam (Library, add game, add non game to steam, browse, then select the .exe file for the game) and then ran the game through steam. I had to tell it to run the game on proton in the management menu. runs smooth like butter now so far. just started and found the bit in kindheart's quarters. havent done anything else yet.
theres a few UI nitpicks and the ponytail hairstyle goes a little crazy in scenes. also looks like shes bungeeing on an invisible noose or something or shes done some insane calisthenics but the sound is really good and the game visuals are great.
quite a nice game youve got here my guy. looking forward to seeing new versions or new games.
I'm glad you managed to launch the game.
About the ponytail hairstyle, yes, there is a problem with the hairstyle physics when there is a drop in FPS. I will try to fix it in the next versions of the game.
awesome. i assume the game doesnt automatically update then?
The automatic update will be available only in the Steam version of the game.
Just played this and enjoyed it, even if it is an extremely short demo. I really, really hope the final product has a way to rewatch sex scenes, as I kinda found the first sex scene to be hot. lol.
The AI voice could use some work, unless your intention really is for her to sound like a text to speech program, but it's good enough for such a game in these early stages.
One thing I couldn't stand, however, were the jumping controls. They feel pretty bad, and with her being unable to grip ledges and pull herself up, jumping even tiny gaps was a frustrating experience.
Other than that, I enjoyed it. Great work!
Thank you for your feedback.
All the points you mentioned have already been fixed in version 0.1.2. There are also many other improvements and fixes in the new update.
At the moment, the 0.1.2 update is available only for Patreon and SubscribeStar subscribers, but at the end of the month it will be available for everyone for free.
uhh kinda lost on where to pick up the last 2 pics and idk whats up with the password HUGE80085 idk i think its intended as a joke
upcoming bullets are only suggestions
food for thought
lol that was alot you dont have to follow what i put down in the comment its just a suggestion and for an hour of game play this is still pretty good visually its still a slow pace but its still your game do what you want with it if you have a discord channels we can all gather too lmao i dont really use F95 that much but i suggest putting it down on this page, i had trouble finding the game through so i came here through F95 i suggest making a website and put a road map on what you want to work on maybe a discord too but you could always pout it on patreon doesnt matter but discord channel is a must have you could always ask for help and im pretty sure people will reach out to play more of your game
love the game by the way and would hope to see more updates in the future
Thank you for your feedback and suggestions for the game.
I would love to add a lot of mechanics and different things to the game, but I only have two hands and a day job. So I'm very careful about adding new things that I didn't plan to add, so that the game development doesn't take forever. New mechanics or game elements will be added only by voting on Patreon or SubscribeStar. But even with this, I will rely on the time spent and my experience of developing a game on Unreal Engine, which is only six months.
I don't advise you to expect a miracle from me. But if you like the first act of the game, I think you'll like future updates as well, so please trust my vision of the game.
The discord server will be created later, when I have more free time. And some of the things you wrote about are already ready in the dev-build and will be included in the next update.
Thank you one more time for your feedback, it was interesting to read.
im not expecting miracles and i know that updates will take awhile, but didnt know you worked on this game alone, which is impressive in itself and would rather see your version of the game instead... lol or i would have tried to make one which isnt in my skill set at all
im just making suggestions and ideas and seeing what sticks and what falls in the upcoming updates to the game
and lmao i just got so absorbed by the game that i wanted to play more that i went on a rant
and thank you for making the game i love it so far and hope you continue working on this till we land the spaceship on a planet and get bug raped lmao
Thank you for your understanding.
I don't plan to abandon or artificially delay the development of the game, as is often the case in this genre. =)
As for bugs, this is a sensitive topic for me and I try to fix them all during the development process. I don't always manage to find all the bugs, but I hope the community of the Discord server I'll create later will help me with this.
you should open up a discord for the game's community
This game made me question Why I am releasing my game so early, you already have a lot more of amazing work here, keep it up!
Ok I completed the game now, the only feedback is the same as everyone, slow pacing and adult cutscenes should have a speed up button or something.
Another thing is walking on vents can be too slow and when I notice I forgot to go back to the room when you unlock the other clothes I rather quit and start from the save file than go back all the way the vents again.
But Im loving it and excited for any new update.
Thank you for your feedback.
In the next version of the game, I will rebuild some of the levels with ventilation shafts.
I'm e extremely excited to see where this game goes!! Amazing game so far!
great jobs
May I ask what kind of monitor you have? And at what screen resolution did you set it?
this was quite fun i must say all tho also quite confusing but hey you got me thinking outside the box (for that one door atleast) id say this game has a chance at being big someday as the concept is honestly quite nice
btw i wonder where the story will go next
A solid start, a few small notes/suggestions:
Would like to piggyback on this comment that I agree on the first two points as I had the same thought on them. Pacing was really slow on sex scene and the ammo did seem to present possible softlock issues.
Thank you for your feedback.
Most of these things are already known to me and have already been fixed. The next patch (v.0.1.1) will have other fixes and improvements.
What should i do after found gun?pls tell me tnx
"If we are talking about a room with a dead guard. There's a tablet on the table that tells you where to find the pin code (six digits). Namely, the collector's number on the Vectra card, which you will find next to the guard. You can find it in the collections on the terminal in the same room."(by Parasite inside 2024)
in spanish too... XDSi estamos hablando de una habitación con un guardia muerto. Hay una tableta sobre la mesa que te dice dónde encontrar el código PIN (seis dígitos). Es decir, el número de coleccionista de la tarjeta Vectra, que encontrarás junto al guardia.
Puedes encontrarlo en las colecciones de la terminal en la misma sala.
I'm just past that and the girl in the wall. Am I missing something? I have the forklift key, went and got the other pic and now I'm lost. Other than that, it seems to be coming along nicely
what do i do after finding the gun can someone guide m
It's not bad, but it's kinda slow. Models are good!
Just finished the demo and I must say it's very well done. I enjoyed it greatly and overall is right up my alley. Can't wait to see what you have in store. Only question I have is do you think you will add controller support for it? I noticed that the you could move with controller and rotate the camera but the buttons aren't mapped. It's not a big thing but would make it much easier on my fingers lol Otherwise will be waiting for the next update!
what do you do after you get the gun
Look at the collectable card in the same room. That will help you progress. If you ever get stuck trust me the path is very linear as in as you open more room you rarely backtrack (mostly I've found backtracking lets you do some more of the cards), you just have to look very closely in every room. I was very blind lol.
not gonna lie when the note mentioned Vectra i straight up assumed that was the name of his pistol so i didnt even bother thinking the card meant anything