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An incredible game. Thanks to the author

It's a pity the scenes were changed in 3.0, they are very good, maybe it will be in the gallery as an alternative. 

The sound work is great, the victims are breathing and dying, the monsters are slamming, the doors are slamming...The creaking of the ship's structures would also have been an on-board alert, which would have completed the sound picture.

I really liked the plot and the new monster, although it was hinted at in the fall scene in version 2.2, but I'm glad that the game doesn't just become a sex video. The creepy atmosphere works as it should, but it's very safe in the ventilation, and contractions are needed there.

I repeat, the author has done an incredible job. The animations are great, the sound is cool, the locations are logical. Thank you very much. 10\10

stuck when you gat kidnapped and lose your c-scanner. anyone know what to do?

just walk around room

(2 edits)

I am stuck at a place where I think I need 2. level cleareness to get into a room.Or I couln't find a way there.Can someone help me ? I couln't even fight with one enemy... (workshop bay-section 7) (To-do:reach sector 8 of the workshops) PLEASE HELP ME...

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you should have clearance level 3. so you just came through a large area with a lot of doors that required lvl3, but you only had 1 or 2.

idea for improvement: mark the required level for the doors on the map once you've actually seen them powered

I only got one. Where can I get 3 ?

sry, i got it confused yesterday.

there are a lot of smaller interaction items you may easily miss. also at some of the doors that open if you destroy the fuse, the fuse is not very obvious sometimes.

also some jump'n'run may be required to reach certain areas.

ı can not destroy a fuse ı see behind a 2lvl door,it is behind a glass.

the glass has a hole in it. you need to shoot through that hole.

I am very surprised. Was expecting just more fixes but a decent portion of map and story has been added. Got lost a bit but with a lil searching found my way to the side path and was able to finish up the newest part of the game. The new scenes can't be seen again via the computer in game like the other scenes. 

Puzzle for wires not sure how your suppose to figure it out considering I accidentally solved it without trying.

Was wondering if saving the women will be possible later down the road. Your character gets infected just like them but is able to break free just wondering if they will be able to as well later on with your help rather then needing to kill them all off to prevent respawns of some badies.

Loving this game. Real nice work so far. =)


I really love this game, however the wire mini-puzzles are very hard for me to understand. It toke me a long time to figure out the very first puzzle and was wondering if there is a way to help making it easier to understand, not change it. Just to understand it. 

Its just like the kids game where you follow the line from the start and see where it ends


will there be an android port?


Dead space porn analog

Now it is clearly my favourite game
One day i'll donate because now i have -1 dollar. I hope you'll improve this game and upload it on steam


Thank you! I'm really glad you’re enjoying the game. No worries about donating—just having players who appreciate the game means a lot. I'll keep working on improving it, and yes, I do plan to release it on Steam in the future!

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Also (I Know This Is A Stretch), But If Not Already Added, Can You Add In, A Seperate Section Of The Game Where You Can Sexually Touch The Female Protaganis

First things first: This game is awesome!

Secondly, I'm wondering, if you couldn't get more money out of SubscribeStar and the likes, if you'd reduce the price of the first subscribtion (maybe the sites have data on that). I have a few subscribtions, but none is 5 bucks or more (60/year). Even if I think about supporting a projekt, that price pushes me away (had that with at least a dozen projects).

And now, to my game related question. After refusing to go through the door to the powercore, I end up in Sector 7 with the guy, that shot himself and can't find a new way, but wonder about aimlessly. What did I miss?

Thank you for your feedback! Regarding the subscription price, I completely understand your point. However, from what I've observed, 3D projects tend to have similar or even higher subscription tiers. Plus, over time, I release Parasite Inside for free here on, so subscribing is completely optional and mainly helps support development.

As for the part where you're stuck, you need to go back to the Maintenance Section to the brocken doors that open and close automatically. Near them, there’s a corridor with an electrified hazard. You'll need to solve a small puzzle to disable the electricity and proceed forward.

Thanks for the reply, and just to clarify, I'm not complaining about the price, but suspect, based on my personal reaction, that the sweetspot to get most out of the subscription model, might be lower (3 people subscribing for 2 $ versus 1 subscribing for 5$).

(1 edit)

IS it possible to find more repair kits somewhere, or is it a very limited number? I got locked out of several collectible items because the repair thing is either bugged or poorly explained and they kept breaking after I fixed them.

In particular, I actually got the ERT outfit, but then died and lost my progress to that point. When I went back for it, I was unable to re-open the door because it ate my only repair kit.

Right now, there are two repair kits available for each broken power panel that you can find in the game. In version 0.3.1, a new feature called 'Quick Fix' has been added, allowing you to use two repair kits to instantly repair a broken power panel without solving the puzzle.

This game is excellent!  I seriously can't believe that one person's made all this.  I just have one question: are there any plans for beefier weapons?  That "new enemy model" scares the shit out of me, and I'd like something better than the pea shooter we have now if I'm ever going to have to fight it.  Good job with that thing's introduction, I was literally peeking around every corner after that expecting it to jump out at me.

Also, I saw in another comment that you're planning on replacing the AI generated art at some point, and I know AI art gets a bad rap for some reason, but personally, I wouldn't change it.  The art you've got in here looks good, and fits the ambience of the game well.

I'm looking forward to the next update!

Thank you for your feedback! I originally considered adding weapon modifications, but given my limited resources and time, it would be quite challenging to implement. Plus, I never intended for the game to turn into a full-on shooter—so we'll see how things develop.

As for the AI-generated art, I never planned to keep it in the final version. Right now, it's just a temporary placeholder. But don’t worry about the replacements—I’ve found a talented artist whose style fits the game’s atmosphere perfectly, and I’m excited for the final result!

when i download the update it keeps trying to make me start over is there a way to move my save files over or do i just have to restart anyway??


Version 0.3.0 does not support old save files, unfortunately. However, future updates will maintain save file compatibility, so you won’t have to restart again.

Waiting for the next update!

(1 edit) (+1)

Meh, 26/30 cards... guess I wasn't as thorough as I thought I would be. Speaking of, I wasn't able to find a way to disable the fire spout in one side room in Maintenance 3, right before the elevator heading to the core. Is there a way to do so?

Fantastic work overall. The atmosphere is great, the animations really smooth and the voicework is amazing for an indie like this. Characters taking note of the character's clothing (or lack thereof) is a very nice touch, too.

One thing I'd recommend is having some form of a permanent ammo cache (not a regular pickup, but rather some station that sets your ammo to a fixed amount if the current is lower) at the save point - it is possible to softlock your progress by wasting all your ammo and having none to shoot the fuses required for progress.

Also, one bug to report: when bringing up a screen such as the journal or a power box, sometimes two "copies" of it open, which freezes the game - you can close one, but afterwards the other is still open and covering the screen, while the controls switch to character control, so it's impossible to close the "extra" one, forcing a quit to menu.

Thank you for your feedback!

The fire spouts currently can't be disabled—only avoided. However, future updates will introduce a way to shut them off, similar to how electrical hazards can be disabled.

I'm glad you liked the voice acting! However, it's not final—most characters will receive entirely new, professional voiceovers in the full release.

As for the ammo issue, if your pistol reaches zero rounds, it will automatically generate a new charge after five seconds. So, you don’t need to worry about getting soft-locked due to running out of ammo.

Thanks for reporting the bug! That issue has already been fixed in update 0.3.1.

what are you meant to do after you've fixed and gone down the elevator in sector 8 and then you reach the giant flaming pipe? i cant figure out how to get across.

nvm, i figured it out. you need to go off the left hand side of the railed walkway leading up to the fire area and go through a tunnel 👍

한국어 패치는 언제 나오나요?

Other languages in the game will be added closer to the final release of the game.

Hello, I reached sector 08 and went down the elevator. I have reached a burning large pipe, what should I do next?

GO back to the infected women thats next to it, then look at the corridor in front of her, after it there is a small gap in the right side of the corridor which will let you advance more

Also DO NOT use the repair kit you have on the broken generator thats at the other side of the way after you reach it, keep moving to the next destination as you need it for the main story

(1 edit)

what if i used it on that? is the savegame now useless? i haven't seen anything else to repair either. but i ran around for like 2 hours looking for an alternative way to the power core.

is there any point to killing the captured women? or is it just something you can do?


as far as i can tell, it stops the spreaders from respawning in that area?

At the moment, killing these infected women will stop enemy spawns in that area, as ArtificialOptimism mentioned. In the final version of the game, this will also have an impact on the story.

This is one of the games I've enjoyed the most this year. I really like the theme of the game and look forward to its updates
Every time I play the game, I have to use a translation software. If possible, could you add more languages to the game? I really need it
Perhaps you could add more states to the character? For instance, during pregnancy, the character can walk instead of always watching that damned cutscene; or the more times the protagonist is knocked down, the worse their condition becomes. At this point, perhaps other drugs are needed? Of course, these are just my suggestions

Thank you for your feedback! Yes, I do plan to add multiple languages, but that will happen closer to the game's final stages. As for different character states, that’s also something I have in mind for future updates!

Am lost on what to do I reach sector 6 warehouse I got the forklift key card I went back and I collect the white suit/nurse clothes and now I don’t know where to go

Perhaps you need to go through that broken door and find a ventilation opening... At least I remember it was like this.

what broken door? cuz i went through one and there was a dead man 

Any plans for game pad support?

Yes, partial support for gamepads will be available in version 0.3.1.

Nice, ty for the reply.  The game is amazing already btw.  Game pad support would be the cherry on top 👌

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

One of the best adult games iv played by far! WELL DONE! 
Would be nice to have some more enemys that would fuck you on the spot like groups of small creatures and/or tentacles. Would be nice if you would aprouch the victim - the tentacle would grab hold you and fuck you on top of the victim.

Keep up the good work!!


Thank you for your feedback. I have a lot of ideas for the game's expansion, but I have to keep in mind my capabilities so that the game development doesn't take forever.


In nutshell: game looks good, however, the removal of the "taking advantage of" scene and the Spreader birthing scene after 100% infection show signs of softening up (possible external pressures?). The lootable outfits look nice, the exploration is pretty good, but the accuracy of the gun is bad (or the hitbox of the Spreader is crappy). Overall, a promising game, right now can't afford supporting it on Patreon, but will definitely contribute when it's more complete.

Thank you for your feedback. “External factors” always have an impact on game development for almost all developers. In my case, this influence is created by the fans of the game who share the same vision of the game.

The game is still at a fairly early stage of development, so there are still many things to be changed/added.


Okay, I had the forklift key for the forward ramp area, but I can NOT find the key for the Workshop forklift.


Where is the workshop forklift key. Tryna get to the elevator to level 9. Saw the trapped girl n heard the scream. Looked everywhere can't find the screaming girl or a key. I see something underneath the catwalk but can't get under it.

Did you get rid of the scene with the brothers?


Was looking where to fix the elevator for about an hour. Turns out I'm just blind af. 10/10 game. Gib more...right now. Updated.. do it. 

In all honesty after this game is done. You should totally keep up the sexy horror genre and amp it up 10 fold. I usually hate commenting on these types of games because of comfort level, but I like this game's direction.

The only criticism I would give is for the sex scenes, depending, give the mc a little more personality. (Like for example the bj scene don't have her go right into it that fast. Maybe as things progress things change.) But also sexy game so what do I know. 

Okay I think getting lost in those corridors also giving this game some strange charm lol


Spent 3 hours looking for the passage from sector 6-7. This game doesn't handhold, and punishes a lack of thoroughness and observation. I am upset at myself for having to come to the page looking for help, then discovering it was "super obvious and simple." Good game, though.

3....bloody....hours. Running in circles like a fool. 

do you know where am stuck there

as soon as you enter the cargo bay that has the very first forklift needing a key in sector 6, there's a raised platform grate in the same room. crouch under the raised grate, left turn but keep looking to your right, you'll find the passage to move forward.


Are there any plans to allow customization of things other than clothes and hairstyle? It'd be cool to choose a lower breast size, or add accessories, or something like that. Maybe body modifications can be done with a med table?


Thank you for your suggestion! While I understand the appeal of further customization options like body modifications, I currently don’t have plans to implement changes to the character's body proportions. The character model wasn’t designed to accommodate such adjustments, and altering body parameters could lead to significant issues with animations, especially in cutscenes.

That said, I do plan to expand the variety of outfits and hairstyles in the future to give players more ways to personalize the character visually.

If you're looking for outfit suggestions, could I request the ability to swap to the infected look whenever you want after being infected once?


Thank you for your suggestion. Over time, I will add an “infected” outfit for the main character, after the story justification.

I'm trying it for the first time and I'm kinda stuck, is there any walktrough around? I'm stuck on sector 6 and can't get to the elevator to sector 9

me too!

I'm just returning to the game after a while, (and I mean a while, I just replayed through the 0.1.1 version i downloaded a while back XD), but in the version I have (about to update to the current) there's a walkthrough in the game's folders. Try having a look there

I want to enjoy the game but it's constantly freezing on me, can't even make it to a save point

If you are having problems with the game, the best way to solve the problem is to create a thread in my Discord with a description of the problem, computer settings, etc.

(1 edit)

man, this game will gonna be great one :) i enjoyed it

I'll root for you!!

Thank you so much for your kind words and support! It means a lot to me, and I'm glad you enjoyed the game. I'll do my best to make it even better!

服务器触发 CG 后找不到后续,接下来该去哪里?


How long it will be until we can download the 0.3.0 version for free?

Can y'all finish the key binds, please? For people that use a mousepad, we can't shoot the gun without changing key binds. :(

I'm going to add this feature in the next updates.

I have the same issue 🥲  

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